
Wednesday, April 24, 2013


I absolutely love this time of year.  Flowers are starting to bloom...but wait!!! What was that white stuff a few weeks ago?  Oh yeah SNOW.  Well anyway Spring is coming.  The past few months have been so good.  Julie had another birthday -- Happy birthday !!!!  You are 26  Wow time is flying too fast.  I still want you to be that little girl with the long braids, and look at you know all grown up. I couldn't be more proud of you and your accomplishments!

Erin got a job working at WaterWay Gas and Wash.  She works the line which means she drys off your car and vacuums it out or whatever.  Sometimes they have to wax your car too.  What surprises me is that people will come in the snow and rain to wash their car.  Not sure I would do that, but then I guess everyone has their reasons   She is also being trained as a cashier, but she really likes working on the line.  She makes a ton of money in tips and loves being outside.  The best part is she gets 10 cents off a gallon of gas and we get free washes.  She wears a nifty little uniform...

We had a late Spring snow it was so beautiful and fortunately didn't last long.

Then we celebrated EASTER which is my all time favorite day.  Easter gives us so much to look forward to.  Our God is so amazing.  I know for a fact that I would not be able to sacrifice one of my kids the way He did his ONLY Son.  The choir sang In Christ Alone which is one of my favorite songs.  It says so much about how God loves me and I have nothing to fear.  That kind of love is beyond comprehension.  This past Sunday we sang All Hail the Power of Jesus Name.  Yes indeed -- Crown Him Lord of All.

We celebrated Katie's 29th birthday.  Wow as I have already said...Time is passing too quickly and she is getting ready to get married on Mother's Day.  That will be so much fun. I am so happy you are doing well physically, and you make such a great teacher.  So proud of you.   

Here are some pictures of the past few months.  Enjoy your spring.  Heat and humidity are on the way.

Palm Sunday Snow Storm.  Many people could not make it to church, but we went on Saturday, which I'm glad we did.  I really love that day.


Erin's duds for work.  She really can make your windows shine. 
Easter Sunday

Love, Lois