
Friday, February 15, 2013

The Past Several Months

I obviously haven't been keeping this up-to-date, so I am going to bring you up-to-date with this post.  Here goes:

October - Erin gets her license

                 Carved some pumpkins for Halloween

           Celebrated Joe's Birthday.

November -

We finished the bathroom (except for a few final touches), but it is now functional and no more wet floors or subflooring from leaking fixtures.

Visited mom in KC

 Had a really nice Thanksgiving with family.  Out of all the blessings I have been given, they are absolutely, hands down the best part of my life. (For some reason, I never took pictures).

December brought us Christmas and all the joys and celebration that bring.  I am so thankful that God sent His only Son to save us.  That is the best gift of all.

The day after Christmas, Erin left on a choir trip to Orlando, Florida.  It was nice and warm there, and she had a fun time.  She got to sing at Epcot on New Year's Eve.  It snowed at home while she was in sunny Florida. 

and over New Year's weekend, I got to dog sit Yadi.  I enjoyed that a lot.

January was pretty uneventful, and then we celebrated Valentines Day.  So that's what I have been up to.  
