
Thursday, March 24, 2011


Okay.  So more often than not things I write come out different than I meant.  For example... Valentines Day.  I wrote about this a few weeks ago.  In my post I put that I hated Valentines Day.  The reason being is that I remember when I was a kid, I was the one that never got many valentines at school parties.  That was in the day when you only brought valentines for your friends.  Then there are all the single people.  Why is it that we celebrate a day of love when these people don't have a special person in their life.   I feel it emphasis this fact, and there are many lonely people in the world who already know that they are alone and don't need a day to remind them.   Why do we feel the need to have a day set aside to tell our loved ones that we love them.  Is it a problem to tell your loved ones that you love them EVERY DAY???  It's nice to hear all the time.  Many years ago, I went to a parenting class at a local church.  One of the things they emphasized is to tell your family that you love them every day.  Even though you know that they know you love them, it still reinforced to them that they were special to you.  I love my family more than anyone will ever know.  They are the reason I get up in the morning.  They are the reason I pray so hard for them  to have good days at work,  good days at school, good health, happy marriages and relationships, and help to support a family. So I hope this clears up what I meant by my previous post--- I don't hate Valentines Day because I don't like you, just the opposite.. I just feel bad for lonely folks. 

Tuesday, March 22, 2011


I am on spring break this week.  I love this time of year.  The birds are getting settled in their new home, and everything seems to be waking up.  Last week was Erin's spring break and I really wanted to spend time at home with her, but work wouldn't allow so I only got two days off.  This week I am cleaning out my garage.  It is an absolute mess.  We have way too much stuff.  It was said on a TV show of all things, that in 1960 there were no storage units in the US.  Today there are over 2 million.  What does that say about us?  We must be the greediest country on the planet.  We save everything or put barely used stuff in the trash for the landfill. When I was young, everything from irons to washing machines were fixable.  Now instead of fixing we buy new because it's cheaper than fixing.  I remember my dad fixing everything.  Our stuff lasted for years.  Take the I-pod for example.  They run on batteries, but a new battery costs about half of what a new ipod costs.  How wasteful. If they made the batteries cheaper and easy to install - have you looked at an ipod?  How do you open it?   Anyway enough of my rant.  I'm going to continue cleaning the garage and then take a walk to enjoy God's creation.  Blessings :)

Friday, March 4, 2011

Slowing down

This has been a very busy two weeks.  Last week was Erin's state tournament for basketball.  Her team got fourth place.  It was a lot of fun, but I'm glad that this is over.  Erin never got to play that much, but I think she probably still had a good time.  The week before I broke two ribs by walking and texting at the same time.  What a doofus I am.  How do you do that?  Anyway as a result of being clutzy, I managed to injure myself.  This is seriously cutting into my exercise routine, and I continue to get bigger and bigger. 

This week is finally getting back to normal.  Erin has one more competition -- the scholar quiz bowl and then confirmation and then graduation and then the summer with summer school and phew  ---- I'm exhausted.

I've decided there needs to be more family time and less running.  Hopefully everything will start getting back to normal and I can have the garage sale I've been trying to have for two years.  Anyway, that's all for now.  Have a great weekend everyone.