
Thursday, February 17, 2011

Birthday Girl

Today is my middle daughter's birthday.  I remember this day like it was yesterday.  She was the largest of my three girls -- 7 lb., 7 oz., but happened to turn out to be the petite one of the three. (No the other two are not big and overweight, she is just shorter than they are).She is so perfect and gorgeous.  She still is.  Her large blue eyes and dimpled smile still melt my heart.  As a middle child she has had to fight for her place in the family.  She also has gone through a lot in her 24 years, but I would like to think she is a better person for it.  She is a nurse, which brings out her compassionate side, and  she just started volunteering at an animal shelter.  Her gift of caring is amazing.  So happy birthday sweet girl.  I love you very much.  <3
Christmas 2010
Julie & Joe

Monday, February 14, 2011

Day off

Ahh today I had a day off from work.  The weather is turning more like Spring and I got to do things I normally don't get to do.  It's Valentine's Day and it seems everyone is very happy and pleasant also.  I usually hate Valentines Day because it emphasizes couples.  I always wonder why we can't celebrate single also.  They are the ones that spend many lonely days and nights alone.  But anyway, if you have a sweety give them an extra hug and I love you.

Friday, February 11, 2011


Today is finally Friday.  I love Fridays.  It means that I have a nice weekend ahead.  This weekend I have to administer the ACT tests, so since I'm fighting the flu, hope I'm okay for tomorrow.

This coming week will be very busy.  Number 2 daughter's 24th birthday.  Erin has basketball (her team made it to state), and her coach is scheduling extra games and practices so they are ready for the weekend.  Then it's Valentines Day, and doctor's appoinment's and on and on and on. 

I'm glad for busyness, because it means that I'm healthy and able bodied -- but the one thing I need to remember is to keep Jesus front and center in my life.  He is the reason I get through my days.  Just knowing that He is with me gives me great comfort.  I pray daily for my three girls, that they will be strong in the Lord, make good decisions and have much peace in their lives.  Plus, since two of them face health issues, it would do this mom's heart some good to know that they will be able to live healthy and productive lives.  Only time and God know that outcome.  Blessings :)   

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Today's the day

Today's the day that I start blogging.  I know a lot of people think it's dumb, but I like having the opportunity to write about my day.  This also keeps me from boring people with my life.  Anyway, I live in Missouri and today it snowed AGAIN as I stood looking out the window of my office.  I work at a local high school, and they are building a new addition.  It should be very nice once it's done.  They offer so much more for high school today than when I was in school.  I hated high school, and never cared if I every went back. How ironic that all three of my children will be graduating from the same high school I went to. 

Anyway, it's back to work time.  Talk to you all again. :)