
Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Erin's Confirmation

Erin before the service
Today is Erin's confirmation.  This day has been a long time in the making.  Erin spent three years preparing for this day.  Sermon reports, class study, Camp Trinity, small and large group activities.  It all culminates today.  (Actually I am writing this several weeks later, but still).  Anyway, she was so excited.  This is a special day for her. 

Confirmation day is special for all of us.  It is the day we are given a special Bible verse to carry us through life.  I often wonder how mine was picked for me, but I have gone to is a few times.  It is Hold fast to what you have that no one takes your crown.  Nope I'm not going to let anyone take that from me.  It's mine.  Erins' verse fit her perfectly.  She likes to sing and her verse was Psalm 28:7

Anyway, Erin looked beautiful.  Last Friday night she had to read an essay she wrote on "Confession".  She did a really good job and made a lot of good points.

Today, she will get to take communion for the first time.  I know it makes her nervous, since she is the type of person that needs to know how everything is going to work before she tries something.  I know she will do fine. 
After the service, we went home and shared the day with cousins, grandparents, sisters, and everyone who loves her.  My mom even came, and she never thought she would live long enough to see this.  I only wish my dad could have been there.  He was in my thoughts all day.  I really miss him.  Because of him I got to church every Sunday, and he was the one that taught me how important it is to make the time to worship the one and only Person who loves me more than anyone.  I find that incredible.

Anyway.  Congratulations Erin.  Always remain God's child!!!
Posing with the banner she made of her special verse

Erin and her sisters
With her Godmothers
With the cousins and Nana

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